Sun 12 Jan
"If you LOVE a curvy beautiful Woman" ___YOU FOUND HER!!!! - 22
(Kingsport/JohnsonCity/Bristol/SurAreas, Tri-Cities)
💕* Everything your 💖DESIRES! I'm Sweet, Sexy, & Totally Kissable! Young but Highly Skilled! - 27
(Tri-Cities, rogersville, kingsport, johnson and othe)
Sat 11 Jan
💋Totally all yours!! 💋Sexy Kelly💋She's Kissable, Dorable, n Absolutely Luscious!💋 - 27
(Kingsport, JC and other, Tri-Cities)
💋Totally all yours!! 💋Sexy Kelly💋She's Kissable, Dorable, n Absolutely Luscious!💋 - 28
(rogersville, kingsport, johnson and othe, Tri-Cities)
【 ☎ 】 CaLL_BRiTT_ ★ _»N«_BRiST0L_ ALL WK_ $|()() SPCL 2NiTE 0NLY!_ ★ - 27
(Tri-Cities, IN&oUT;=TRICITIES/BRISToL/JC/SuRR»{24/7}«)
Fri 10 Jan
💖The Finest One n Only ⭐Sexy Kelly⭐💋 Kissable, Dorable, n Absolutely Luscious!💖 - 28
(Kingsport, JC and other, Tri-Cities)
Thu 09 Jan
**New** "Cute as a Button, Sweet as Pie" **New** - 23
(Tri-Cities, JohnsonCity/Kgpt/Bristol Tn/Sur.Areas)
* Totally Beautiful In Every Way** Young, Sexy, Sweet Kelly is 1 Of The Finest Playmates Available - 27
(Tri-Cities, rogersville, kingsport, johnson and othe)
~☆~ ®eaDy 4 PLa¥T¡Me?¿ ~☆~BR¡TT ~&~ SPa®®oW~ {»AVaiL 4 IN&0uTCaLL N JC NoW!«} La§T DaY! LeaVinG@9pm! - 22
(Tri-Cities, IN&0uTCaLLs°W¡LL T®aVeL°L¡M¡TeD AppTs!°)
【 ☎ 】 CaLL_BRiTT_ ★ _:N:_BRISTOL _IN&0uT_24/7_ ★ _ ((828))=64o=2598 - 27
Wed 08 Jan
*** Gorgeous HOT Brunette *** Super HOT and Super Fit - 27
(Tri-Cities, JohnsonCity/Kingsport/Bristol/SurAreas)
* Totally Beautiful In Every Way** Young, Sexy, Sweet Kelly is 1 Of The Finest Playmates Available - 27
(Tri-Cities, rogersville, kingsport, johnson and othe)
patiently waiting to please..erotic bliss...discretion a definite - 28
(Tri-Cities, Johnson city/kingsport)
"Sweet Sweet Southern Belle" Holiday Special - 23
(Tri-Cities, JohnsonCity/Kgpt/Bristol Tn/Sur.Areas)
💕* Everything you DESIRE! I'm Sweet, Sexy, & Totally Hot!! Highly Skilled! - 28
(rogersville, kingsport, johnson and othe, Tri-Cities)
Tue 07 Jan